Initial Assessment
We discuss your health and exercise history, lifestyle, nutrition habits, and physical capabilities. Then we define your goals and map out the best way to get you there.
Personalized Training Program
Your training program will be specific to your goals and where you workout, whether its at home or a gym. Frequency, intensity, volume, exercises, tempo, sets and reps will be specific and clear as possible for each workout.
Customized Nutrition Coaching
Nutrition is key, it accounts for about 80% of your overall health and wellness and affects your ability to reach your goals. We will work together to implement better eating habits that are reasonable and attainable, no prescribed diets and no calorie counting.
Support + Accountability
Weekly check-ins to help keep you on track and ensure your program is working for you. You also get unlimited access to ask questions and can request changes to your program for any circumstances that come up like injuries, traveling, illness or if you decide to train for a specific event. You will never be alone in the process.